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NEB Class 11 English Model Set 2 | NepaliEducate

Class 11 English Model Question

Time: 3:00 Hrs
Class: 11
Subject: English Set 2

P.M:- 30

Attempt all questions

1.    Read the text and complete the given tasks.

Everybody wants to succeed in life. For some, success means achieving whatever they desire or dream. For many it is the name, fame and social position. Whatever be the meaning of success, it is success which makes a man popular.

All great men have been successful. They are remembered for their great achievements. But it is certain that success comes to those who are sincere, hardworking, loyal and committed to their goals. Success has been man’s greatest motivation. It is very important for all. Success has a great effect on life. It brings pleasure and pride. It gives a sense of fulfilment. It means all-around development. Everybody hopes to be successful in life.

However, success smiles on those who have a proper approach, planning, vision and stamina. A proper and timely application of all these things is bound to bear fruit. One cannot be successful without cultivating these certain basic things in life. It is very difficult to set out on a journey without knowing one’s goals and purposes. Clarity of the objective is a must to succeed in life. A focused approach with proper planning is certain to bring success. Indecision and insincerity are big obstacles on the path to success.

One should have the capability, capacity and resources to turn one’s dreams into reality. Mere desire cannot bring you success. The desire should be weighed against factors like capability and resources. This is the basic requirement of success. The next important thing is the eagerness, seriousness and the urge to be successful. It is the driving force which decides the success. It is the first step on the ladder of success.

One needs to pursue one’s goals with all one’s sincerity and passion. One should always be in high spirit. Lack of such spirit leads to an inferiority complex which is a big obstruction on the path to success. Time is also a deciding factor. Only the punctual and committed have succeeded in life. Lives of great men are examples of this. They had all these qualities in plenty which helped them rise to the peak of success.

Hard labour is one of the basic requirements of success. There is no substitute for hard labour. It alone can take one to the peak of success. Every success has a ratio of five percent inspiration and ninety-five percent perspiration. It is the patience, persistence and perseverance which play a decisive role in achieving success. Failures are the pillars of success as they are our stepping-stones and we must get up and start again and be motivated.

(A)  Answer the following questions based on your reading of the passage:     [2x5=10] (i)  To whom does prosperity invariably come?

(ii)     What are the fundamentals of life that we require to be successful?

(iii)  What did great men have in abundance in order to reach the pinnacle of success? Please give two examples.

(iv)   What is the single most important need for success?

(v)     “Failures are pillars of success,” explain.

(B)  Fill in the following blanks with acceptable words/phrases based on your reading of the

               passage:                                                                                                                                                 [3]

a.   ………… is a crucial factor in obtaining success.

b.  Goals must be pursued with ……….. and ………….

c.   Ratio of success is ………. inspiration.

(C)  Determine which terms in the passage have the same meaning as the following: [2] a. endurance (para 2)

b. obstruction (para 4)

2. Write short answers to any five of the following questions.                                              [5 X 2=10]

a.   Describe the portrait that the narrator saw in the room ? (The Oval Portrait)

b.   Why doesn't Aksionov wish to return to his family at the end of the story? (God Sees the Truth but Waits)

c.   In what sense are we the players in the world stage?

(All the World's a Stage)

d.   Why has the speaker come to the earth? (Corona Says)

e.   Why do Donna Laura and Don Gonzalo spin fictitious stories about themselves? (A Sunny Morning) 3. Write long answers to the following questions. [2 X 5=10]

a.  "Refund" is all about satire on present day education system.Explain. (Refund)

b.  What does Steve Job mean when he says, “You cannot connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backwards”?

4.     Write a letter to your foreign friend describing your town/village. Mention what they can do/can't do as tourists during their stay. (Write in about 150 words) [7]

5.     Write an essay about the present Pandemic Situation. Mention the problems, its effects and efforts from our side. (Write about 180 words)


6.     Write an article explaining as to how social media has impacted our life.     [10]

7.     Do as indicated in brackets and rewrite the sentences.   [10×1=10]

a.   Your car is broken down. (Make wish)

b.   A large percentage of population (is/are/were) migrating in the town. (Choose the appropriate verb)

c.   What time did you arrive (in/on/at) the airport? (Choose the correct preposition)

d.   My uncle speaks perfect/perfectly Dutch. (Choose the correct word)

e.   Ramesh Bikal(writes/wrote/has written) many popular stories.(Choose the correct form of the verb)

f.    He promised (buying/to buy) me a candy. (Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.)

g.   If I meet him, I (will tell/ am going to tell) him the news. (Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence)

h.   This is the house …… was robbed last night. (Complete the sentence with a relative pronoun.)

i.     Your friend looks thirsty. (make a sentence with an offer)

j.     I hate people cross questioning me time and again. (Change into passive.)

8.     Do as instructed.           [5×1=5]

a.   Are the news on at five or six? (Correct the sentence)

b.   Arrange the following words in alphabetical order: cement, centre, cinema, cereals, ceiling

c.   …… the fact that he is an octogenarian; he still leads an active life.

(Complete the sentence making sensible)

d.   Raunak …… be at home. I can see his bike in front of his house.

[Fill in the blank with (may/might, must or cant) to complete the sentence]

e.   Which sentence pattern is used in the sentence; "They elected him President".

i.     Subject + Verb + Object + Complement.

ii.  Subject + Verb + Object.

iii.                 Subject + Verb + Complement. iv. Subject + Verb + Adverbial.


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