Hey Grade 12 Students, your exams are near so work hard.

Class 12 Past Year Question Collection | Nepali Educate | NEB


As Class 12 students prepare for their National Examinations Board (NEB) exams, having access to past year questions can be a valuable resource. To aid in this crucial endeavor, we've compiled an extensive collection of past year questions from 2057 to 2072 for various subjects. In this article, we will provide you with a detailed overview of the question collections available for each subject, along with links to access them.

Class 12 NEB Past Year Question Collection from 2057 to 2072.

Subject Name Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Physics Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Chemistry Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Mathematics Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Biology Compiled
Computer Compiled

Recommended: Model Set Collection Based on New Syllabus


Having access to past year questions is an invaluable asset for Class 12 students preparing for their NEB exams. With our organized collections for Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, and Computer Science, you can streamline your study and improve your exam performance. Click on the provided links to access these resources, and embark on a successful journey toward acing your Class 12 NEB exams. Good luck with your preparations!

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