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Civil Peace, By Chinua Achebe | Exercise English | Literature

Civil Peace

By Chinua Achebe


This is primarily a story of how a person can remain positive and optimistic even in worst situations of life. It is a story of optimism, faith in God and a hard labor.

The main character of this story is Jonathan who has survived (continued to live in spite of danger) the Nigerian Civil War (also known as Biafran War). Although he has lost his youngest son in the war, still he is still happy to have come out of the war with his wife and three other children. It is a happy survival.

He dug out his cycle, which he had buried to save it from others. Then he found his little house still standing in Inugu. It was another miracle for him. It wasn't in a very good condition. He got it repaired and started to live in with his family.

As a very positive person he was, he restarted the journey of his life with the help of his wife and three children. First, he used his bicycle to start a taxi service and then opened a bar for soldiers. His wife sold akara balls and children started picking fruits for sale.

Although the income was not much, but it helped them as a minor comfort, till the mines, where he worked previously, would start. He accepted it all as generosity of God. So every time he used to tell his neighbours "Nothing puzzles God".

One day he was given a reward ('ex-gratia') of 20 pounds after turning over rebel currency. For Jonathan, this was another generosity of God. But that night a group of thieves knocked at his door, demanding 100 pounds from him. At first he shouted for help from the neighbours and the police, but nobody came to help him.

The thief leader told him that if he cooperated, they would not hurt the family. Jonathan realized no other option was left for him, so he gave them the 20 pounds of reward money to keep his family unharmed. 

The next morning when the neighbours arrived, Jonathan and his family had thrown aside the effects of last night and were back at their work. His neighbours were surprised at it, but he explained them that the reward money could not be compared to what he lost in the war.

Understanding the text:

Answer the following questions.

a. Why did Jonathan think of himself as 'extraordinarily lucky'?

Answer: Jonathan thought himself to be extraordinarily lucky because he had survived the Nigerian Civil War along with his wife three of his four children. He calls it 'inestimable blessings'. Along with that he got back his bicycle as a bonus.


b. What are the 'five blessings' for which Jonathan is grateful?

Answer: The five blessings are the five lives, his own life, and the lives of his wife and three children.

c. Why did Jonathan mistrust the officer who wanted to take his bicycle? What does this tell you about the situation in Nigeria?

Answer: He mistrusted the officer because of his appearance, uniform and the shabby shoes. Even the two stars of his rank were done in a pencil. Another important point was that there was a lack of grip and firmness in his manner. 

This shows the situation in Nigeria was not good. There was unemployment, cheating, and crimes prevalent in the society.

d. What visitors might be at the door? Jonathan and his wife completely surprised? Explain.

Answer: The visitors were a group of thieves who had come to demand money from Jonathan. Yes, they were completely surprised. They were not ready for such an event.

e. Why does no one in the neighborhood respond when thieves pound on Jonathan's door? Why do the thieves call for the police?

Answer: No body responses to Jonathan's cries for help, because they are all were afraid of them. The thieves might attack or loot them too. When nobody comes out for help, the thieves mock them by crying even louder. They also show how helpless the family is.


Reference to the context

a. What does Jonathan mean by his expression "Nothing Puzzles God"? What does this expression reveal about his character? Explain by citing details from the story? 

Answer: The phrase means anything can happen, but God is not puzzled as humans are. People should have faith in God. He knows how to solve every problem you have. In this story, this phrase comes as a refrain (a line or statement that is often repeated) .This expression shows how optimistic Jonathan is towards his life.

In the first, second and third places he has used it when something wonderful happens in his life. But lastly he uses it when he is robbed off his money. Though it may seem unusual, but it shows that he remembers God both in good and bad situations.


b. How does Jonathan change as he experiences the conflicts in his life.?

Answer: He changes a lot. First, his belief in God grows. With a deep faith in God, he frees himself from the worries of life. This helps him to use his energy constructively to live in the difficult situations of war aftermath. He develops some skills, through which he stands against the adverse situations.

c. Read the extract and answer the questions below.

"To God who made me; if you come inside and find one hundred pounds, take it and shoot me and shoot my wife and children. I swear to God. The only money i have, in this life is this twenty pounds egg-rasher they gave me today ....."

A. Who is the speaker?

Answer: Mr. Jonathan is the speaker.

B. Who is the speaker talking to?

Answer: He is talking to the leader of the thieves.

C. Who does "they" refer to?

Answer: "They" refers to the government employees.


d. Nigerian English has words like soja 'soldier', and katakata 'confusion' 'trouble' derived apparently from English words but transformed by native languages' phonologies. What does the author's use of dialect here add to the story?

Answer: By the use of the dialect the writer gains two effects. First, he tries to give the readers a real feeling of the setting of this story. It suits Nigerian characters. Thus he gives a local color to the story. Second, perhaps the writer wants to show the existence of both African dialect and British English as a result of colonialism.

e. Why do you think thieves who come to rob Jonathan speak English with a heavier African accent than Jonathan does?

Answer: This might be because they were the inhabitants who either never educated, or perhaps never interacted with a broader society. They were not educated and were not from the city.

f. The title of the story "Civil Peace" itself is ironical as there is little to differentiate 'civil peace' from 'civil war'. Do you think that the title of of this story is appropriate, or would”Civil War" have been a better title? Explain.

Answer: No doubt the title is ironical. There is no difference between the war and post war situation. There are still destruction, chaos, unemployment, and social crimes. Still I think it's an appropriate title. Firstly, the time of the story is post war period. So it can never be named Civil War. Secondly, the title suggests peace will be restored gradually. Thus it gives an optimistic attitude.


Reference beyond the text 

a. How would describe the civil peace in Nigeria?

Answer: The civil peace in Nigeria isn't complete in real sense. Moving around Jonathan's story, we find that a real peace has not been established in the ebo society after it has been destroyed by the war. 

Jonathan is busy in collecting the torn parts of his life to resettle it. The other miners are jobless, homeless and hopeless. There is complete unemployment. Anarchy still prevails there. 

There is no government protection to the citizen. Muggers rob people in the public places, and thieves visit and knock at doors asking for money without any fear of police. Neither neighbours, nor the police come up to help in such situations. People were on their own for their survival.

Such a situation is only softened by the optimism of Jonathan with his life mantra "Nothing puzzles God".

b. What kind of attitude towards life do you think you would have if your situation was similar to that of Jonathan's?

Answer: It needs to be a man of high optimism with firm determination with deep faith in God to be Jonathan. I am not that. I am a normal person like other co-sufferers of Jonathan who lacked his characteristics. 

So, if my situation was similar to him, I would have been miserable, dejected and depressed. I would have been cursing my ill fate, visiting mines for them being re-opened.

c. Draw the character sketch of Jonathan Iwegbu.

Answer: Jonathan is the protagonist (the leading character) of this story. The writer has presented him as an optimistic, industrious (hard working) resilient (able to recover quickly from conditions) character. Unlike other survivors, he is not disheartened or depressed in the war-aftermath .With a deep faith in God; he endeavors to resettle his life, in which his family too helps him. He never regrets the loss he had to bear in war period. He has even lost his son, which is an irreversible loss. But in spite of mourning, he accepts the situation. To him everything he got back is a miracle. He thinks himself to be 'extraordinarily lucky'. His life mantra is "Nothing puzzles God".

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