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Class 11 Computer Science Model Question With Answer | NEB

Group A:

Multiple Choice Questions (9 x 1=9)

Tick the best alternative.

1. Which one of the following is an input device?

a) speaker                          

b) printer

c) monitor                          

d) mouse

2. Which of the following is NOT a bus type?

a) Address bus                 

b) Data bus

c) Memory bus                                                                

d) Control bus

3. How to represent Boolean F(x,y)=x.y in logic gate?

Ans Option A

4. Which scheduling algorithm allocates the CPU first to the process that requests the CPU first?

a) first-come, first-served scheduling    

b) priority scheduling

c) shortest job scheduling

d) Round robin scheduling

5. Which operator is used to start for enter the formula in in Excel cell?

a) $

b) @

c) =

d) +

6. Which looping process checks the test condition at the end of the loop?

a) for

b) while

c) do-while

d) Nested loop

7. How to insert an image in web page using HTML tag?

a) <img=...>

 b) <img source=...>

c) <img src=...>

d) <img href=..>


8. Which image format is best used for photographs and offers a small file size?

a) PNG

b) GIF

c) BMP


9. Which of following is monitors user activity on internet and transmit that information in the background to someone else?

a) Malware

b) Spyware

c) Adware

d) Virus

Recommended: Class 11 Computer Notes Based on New Syllabus

Group 'B'

Give short answer to the following questions. (5 x 5=25)

1.       Explain different types of secondary memory of computer system.


A secondary storage media is the physical material on which data and programs are stored on a long term basis or for future reference.

The different types of secondary memory are:

a.       Hard Disk or Magnetic Disk:

Hard disk is a most commonly used storage device in personal computers and laptops most application programs and operating systems require hard disk for installation and operation. It contains one or more metal platters mounted on a central spindle, like a stack of rigid diskettes. A hard disk is actually a stack of platters. Each platter is coated on both sides with magnetic material. Both surfaces of each disk or platter are used to store information except for the top and bottom platters. The hard disk and drive is a single unit.

b.      Floppy Disk:

A floppy disk is a magnetic storage media. The floppy disk is a thin and flexible plastic disk made of up Mylar coated on both side with magnetic recording material (ferrous or iron oxide). It is also called a diskette. It is packed in a stiff protected jacket made of plastic. IBM invented the floppy disk in 1972 the size of the first floppy disk was 8-inch and had flexible plastic cover. It is slower than hard disk.

c.       Magnetic Tape:

Magnetic tape is the most popular and oldest storage medium used to store large amount of data and instructions permanently. The magnetic tape is a plastic ribbon with width 0.25 inch to 1 inch and one side coated with magnetic recording material (ferrous-oxide or iron-oxide), which can be magnetized. Data is stored on the tape in the form of magnetic field, i.e. magnetized and non-magnetized spots. Representing 1's and 0's respectively. Like magnetic disk, magnetic tape should also be formatted to store data on it.

d.      Zip Disk:

Zip disk is a type of portable magnetic media. its storage capacity is about 100mb to 800mb. It is used to back up important data. Zip disk is similar to floppy disk but its storage capacity is about 100 times greater than floppy disk. it is also more reliable storage medium than floppy disk. Like floppy disk, the data can be easily transferred from one computer to another by using zip disk.


e.      Optical Drive:

But in the case of optical storage, the read write process uses optical properties like laser beams. Today somehow used and reliable storage devices. These devices use laser technology i.e. laser light to write and read data to and from the optical disk such as CDs (compact disks) the most popular optical storage devices are CD-ROMs DVD-ROMs cd-recordable, and CD- rewritable etc.


Describe the decimal to binary number conversion process with example.


Decimal number is converted into equivalent binary number by using successive division by 2 where remainders noted during successive division are written in bottom-up approach to get the equivalent binary values.

Ex: (125)10 = (? )2

Fraction part of any decimal number is converted into binary number by successive multiplication to the given number with the respective base 2. The process is terminated when we get 0 in the fraction part of product. When we fail to get 0, then we may terminate the process after 5th round. The integer values that come from each successive multiplication are written in top-down approach.

Ex: (125.52)10 = ( ? )2


2.       What are the functions of operating system? Describe.


The function of an operating system is described below:

a) IO Management

Input/output (IO) is an essential element for the operation of any computer. It allows the computer to interact with peripheral devices such as a keyboard, mouse, terminals (like modem, TV card, and NIC card), disks or tapes (CD, DVD, and Floppy disk), printer etc. 

b) Command interpreter

The command interpreter reads the commands that a user types at a terminal, interprets them, and translate them into a detailed set of instructions that the computer hardware can understand. It varies from one OS to another. Every OS must provide command interpreter of its operation. 

c) Data Management

Data management allows organizing their data into logical groupings called files. Earlier, only a few of OS provide data management, containing limited flexibility and usefulness. At present, most of the OS provides this feature.


d) Memory Management

Memory management is the function responsible for managing the computer's primary memory. Memory is a large array of words or bytes, each with its own address. When the user requests to the CPU for read/write operation, OS determines the amount of memory required for the program instructions and data. Then, OS allocates required memory to load the program and data into RAM. When a program terminates, its memory space is free and the same memory area can be allocated to another program.

e) Deadlock prevention:

During the processing, a situation can arise in which a resource (hardware or software) shared by two or more processes cannot continue because the resource required by a process is held by another. This situation is known as deadlock.  

For example: if process 1 is allocated to resource A and later it requests resources B, and process 2 is allocated to resource B and later it requests to resource A. in this situation, neither process 1 nor process 2 will be executed. Such a situation is known as deadlock. Such condition is avoided by OS.


3.       Define different types of CSS.


There are four ways to embed CSS in HTML document: 

 1.    Inline Style:

Inline style is very simple method of style web page. In this method style for HTML elements is specified using its style attribute.


<h1 style=”font-size:100pt; color:green; text-decoration:underline; font-family:arial”>Galaxy Secondary School</h1>



2.    Embedded Style

Embedded style sheet is created by using tag <style> inside <head> element of HTML document. 



<style> p {

            font-size: 20 pt;         color:purple;  background-color:red;         border-style:solid;






<p>Galaxy Secondary School</p>




3.    Class Style

Class style is more flexible method of defining style sheet. A dot (.) operator is used to define a class. Its attributes are defined within curly braces. You can use this class style as an external style sheet or as an embedded style sheet. It is accessible inside class using the following syntax: <tag class=”class_name”> ……………. </tag>



<title> Class Style </title>


.x1{font-size:50pt; color:green; font-family:arial;}

.x2{font-size:100pt; color:red; text-transform:uppercase;}




<p class=”x1”>Galaxy Secondary School</p>

<h1 class=”x2”>Dhangadhi 5 Hasanpur</h1>




4.    External Style

An external style sheet is a separate HTML document file with extension .css, the css file contains css rules which are linked to the HTML file by using the following code in <head> section. <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”file_name.css”>


Explain the different components of multimedia.


Text: characters that are used to create words, sentences, and paragraphs.

Graphics: A digital representation of non-text information, such as a drawing, chart, or photograph.

Animation: Flipping through a series of still images. It is a series of graphics that create an illusion of motion.

Video: Photographic images that are played back at speeds of 15 to 30 frames a second and provide the appearance of full motion.

Audio: Music, speech, or any other sound.


4.       Differentiate between the do and while loop.



do while

It is entry controlled loop or pre-tested loop.

It is exit controlled loop or post tested loop.

It checks the condition first then executes the loop body.

It executes the loop body first then checks the condition.

It uses keyword while.

It uses keyword do and while.

It is not terminated by semicolon.

It is terminated by semicolon. 


 while (condition) {





do {


} while (expression);


5.       Suggest the prevention methods of cybercrime.


        I.              Use Strong Passwords

Use different user ID / password combinations for different accounts and avoid writing them down. Make the passwords more complicated by combining letters, numbers, special characters (minimum 10 characters in total) and change them on a regular basis.

      II.              Secure your computer

Activate your firewall – Firewalls are the first line of cyber defense; they block connections to unknown or bogus sites and will keep out some types of viruses and hackers.
Use anti-virus/malware software
Prevent viruses from infecting your computer by installing and regularly updating anti-virus software.

    III.              Block spyware attacks

Prevent spyware from infiltrating your computer by installing and updating anti-spyware software.

    IV.              Be Social-Media Savvy

Make sure your social networking profiles (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, MSN, etc.) are set to private.

      V.              Check your security settings.

Be careful what information you post online. Once it is on the Internet, it is there forever!

    VI.              Secure your Mobile Devices

Be aware that your mobile device is vulnerable to viruses and hackers.

  VII.              Protect your Data

Use encryption for your most sensitive files such as tax returns or financial records

Make regular back-ups of all your important data and store it in another location.

Group 'C'

Give long answer to the following question (2 x 8=16)

1.       Explain computer architecture with block diagram and functions of its components.

Input Unit

Input unit is a device that is used to get the data and instruction into the computer. The input can be entered either by typing on keyboard or by using point and click devices. It includes mouse, keyboard, joystick, microphone, webcam etc.

·          Accept the data and instruction from the outside world.

·          Convert it to a form that the computer can understand.

·          Supply the converted data to the computer system for further processing.

Central Processing Unit:

CPU is the major component of any computer system. It acts as a heart and brain of a computer and performs all the processing related activities. Therefore it is called as the processing unit and popularly known as central processing unit (CPU).

·          It performs all calculation.

·          It takes all decision.

·          It controls all units of the computer.

It is the combination of three components ALU, CU and Register Array.

i.                    Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU):

It contains electronic circuit necessary for performing all the arithmetic and logical operations. All calculations are performed in the ALU of the computer. It also does comparison and takes decision. It perform arithmetic calculation like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division etc. and logical operation like YES/NO and or complement operations

ii.                  Control Unit:

This unit instructs the computer where to store the input data after receiving from the users. It also controls the flow of data and instruction from the storage unit to ALU. The task of control unit is to carry fetch-execute cycle.

iii.                Register Array:

It is a memory of the processor used by the processor at the time of execution and storing temporarily. CPU contains a number of register like Accumulator, stack pointer and address register etc.


Memory is the location where the data and program of the user are stored. Memory is the main storage unit of the computer. Memory is of two types (i) Primary and (ii) Secondary memory, In which primary is volatile and secondary is non-volatile.

Output Unit:

The unit from which the user can fetch or gain the processed data is called output unit. It includes the peripheral devices connected to the computer like Printer, Monitor, speaker etc. it helps user by providing the desired result.


Write a program to input the elements of 4 x 3 matrixes and prints its elements properly using array.

include <stdio.h>

int main()


int i, j, m, n;

int matrix[10][20];

printf("Enter number of rows : ");

scanf("%d", &m);

printf("Enter number of columns : ");

scanf("%d", &n);

for (i = 0; i < m; i++)


for (j = 0; j < n; j++)


printf("Enter data in [%d][%d]: ", i, j);

scanf("%d", &matrix[i][j]);



for (i = 0; i < m; i++)


for (j = 0; j < n; j++)


printf("%d\t", matrix[i][j]);




return 0;

2.        Draw AND, OR, XOR and X-NOR gates with truth table and logic gates.

An operator is a special symbol that indicates the operation to be carried out between two operands. An operation is an action to be carried out upon operands. There are 3 basic Boolean Operations: AND, OR and NOT operations. 

i.                   AND Gate:

It is an electronic circuit used to perform logical manipulation and it is denoted by dot operator (.). it  The AND Gate contain two or more than to input values which produce only one output value. AND gate produces 1 output when all inputs are 1, otherwise the output will be 0. 

The graphical symbol, algebraic expression, truth table and Veen Diagram of AND gate is shown below:


OR Gate:

It is an electronic circuit used to perform logical addition and for that it uses plus operator (+). The OR Gate contains two or more than two input values which produce only one output value. OR gate produces 1 output, when one of the inputs is 1. If inputs are 0, then the output will be also 0. It can be The graphical symbol, algebraic expression, truth table and Venn Diagram of OR gate is as shown below:


iii.                Exclusive OR (X-OR) Gate:

It is an electronic circuit used to perform logical “either/ or” operation. It accepts two or more inputs and generates only one output. It generates high or 1 output when the number of high or 1 input is in odd otherwise it generates low or 0 output.

The graphical symbol, algebraic expression and truth table of X-OR gate is given below:

iv.                 Exclusive NOR (X-NOR) Gate:

It is an electronic circuit used to perform logical complement of Exclusive OR operation. It accepts two or more inputs and generates only one output. It generates high or 1 output when all the inputs are either high or low otherwise it generates low or 0 output.

The graphical symbol, algebraic expression and truth table of X-NOR gate is shown below:

RecommendedClass 11 Model Question Based on New Syllabus 2021

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