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Career And Entrepreneurship Class 11 English Complete Exercise Solution

Career And Entrepreneurship
Mahabir Pun: A Visionary Social Entrepreneur

Career And Entrepreneurship Class 11 English Complete Exercise Solution

Ways with words

A. Find the words from the text which mean the following. The first letter has been given.

  1. making you feel physically relaxed; pleasant to wear, sit on, etc. (comfortable)
  2. having a degree from the university (graduated)
  3. without being connected with or influenced by something or by each other (independently)
  4. the introduction of new things, ideas or ways of doing something (innovation)
  5. familiar with something, having read, seen or experienced it (acquainted)
  6. a person who makes money by starting or running businesses, especially when this involves taking financial risks (entrepreneur)
  7. an opportunity or a place for somebody to express their opinions publicly or make progress in a particular area (platform)
  8. to use something, especially for a practical purpose (utilize)

B.Write the plural forms of the following nouns. 

  1. calf : calves
  2. basis : bases
  3. sheaf : sheaves
  4. cactus : cacti / cactuses
  5. louse : lice
  6. crisis : crises
  7. person : people / persons
  8. formula : formulas
  9. ox: oxen
  10. fungus : fungi
  11. goose : geese
  12. oasis : oases
  13. analysis : analyses
  14. curriculum : curricula
  15. appendix : appendixes
  16. fungus : fungi


  1. How did Mahabir Pun begin his lifelong journey in Nepal after coming back to Nepal from the US?
  2. After returning from the US, Mahabir Pun began his lifelong journey in his home village of Nangi in the Myagdi district. He volunteered as a teacher and helped the villagers start a high school, marking the beginning of his journey to improve education and bring development to rural Nepal.

  3. Why didn’t he want to work for other companies in the US or in Nepal?
  4. Mahabir Pun chose not to work for other companies in the US or Nepal for a "so-called" better living. Instead, he opted to work independently and dedicated himself to doing something for the benefit of humanity.

  5. Why did he involve in innovation?
  6. He involved in innovation to find solution for a problem.

  7. What are the income-generating programs that he helped to start?
  8. Mahabir Pun initiated various income-generating programs such as yak farming, camping grounds for trekkers, cheese and jam making, beekeeping, handicraft making, fish farming, and vegetable farming. These programs have provided employment opportunities and economic growth in rural areas of Nepal.

  9. Whose support is Pun getting to proceed with his campaign?
  10. Pun is getting the support of communities to proceed with his campaign.

  11. How have the developed countries become prosperous?
  12. Developed countries prioritize research and innovation and invest significant resources in them, leading to their prosperity. This emphasis on innovation has led to the creation of a culture that encourages creativity and risk-taking. As a result, these countries have seen significant growth and development in various sectors.

  13. How can we keep the most talented and innovative people in Nepal?
  14. Retaining talented and innovative people in Nepal requires creating a supportive atmosphere and robust support system. Encouraging entrepreneurship and innovation is crucial to creating a culture of innovation and promoting growth and development.

Critical thinking

  1. Pun says, “We do not have culture of innovation that encourages young people to be innovative and creative”. Do you agree with him? Explain.
  2. Innovation is a critical aspect of any organization's success, and the culture of innovation plays a vital role in determining how much support and promotion innovation receives from management and employees. If the culture is not supportive, even the best ideas and innovation teams can be hindered. Therefore, the culture of innovation is a decisive factor in the success of innovation activities.

    However, in Nepal, despite being a developing country, the development process is slow, and the education system is still based on traditional methods. There are few opportunities for young people to express their creativity and innovative thinking since our culture does not encourage them. The lack of encouragement discourages young people from taking risks, leading to a limited range of possibilities in Nepal.

    In contrast, developed countries place great emphasis on research-based education, investing significant resources in it. This approach allows for a culture of innovation to develop, with an emphasis on creative thinking and risk-taking. Unfortunately, Nepal lags behind in this regard, with limited investment in research and development, and a lack of opportunities for young people to explore their creative potential.

    To truly foster a culture of innovation in Nepal, there needs to be a concerted effort from all sectors of society, including the government, educational institutions, and the private sector. By promoting entrepreneurship, investing in research and development, and providing opportunities for young people to explore their creative potential, Nepal can create a culture of innovation that will lead to greater success and prosperity in the long run. 

  3. What qualities does an individual need to become an entrepreneur?
  4. Becoming an entrepreneur requires a unique set of qualities and skills that enable individuals to succeed in the highly competitive and unpredictable business world. Some essential qualities that entrepreneurs typically possess include:

    1. Vision and creativity: Entrepreneurs are often driven by a vision or idea that they believe can make a difference in the world. They are creative thinkers who can generate new and innovative solutions to problems.
    2. Passion and determination: Entrepreneurs are passionate about their work and are willing to work hard and persevere through challenges to achieve their goals.
    3. Risk-taking and resilience: Entrepreneurs are willing to take calculated risks and are resilient in the face of failure or setbacks.
    4. Adaptability and flexibility: Entrepreneurs need to be adaptable and flexible to changing circumstances and market conditions.
    5. Strong leadership and communication skills: Entrepreneurs must be able to communicate their vision effectively and lead and inspire their team to work towards a common goal.
    6. Financial acumen: Entrepreneurs must have a good understanding of finance and be able to manage their business finances effectively.
    7. Networking skills: Entrepreneurs need to be able to build and maintain relationships with suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders.
    8. Creativity and innovation: Entrepreneurs are constantly looking for new and innovative ways to solve problems and create value.

    Overall, entrepreneurship requires a combination of vision, creativity, passion, resilience, and strong business skills. Successful entrepreneurs are those who can leverage these qualities to create successful businesses and make a positive impact on the world. 


E. Use the correct tense of the verbs in brackets.
  1. I don’t know where Muna is. Have you seen (you/see) her?
  2. Janak wasn’t (not/be) very well last week.
  3. Last night I lost (lose) my keys. So I stayed in my friend’s home.
  4. I have lost (lose) my keys. Can you help me look for them?
  5. I have known (know) Jamuna for three years. We still meet once a month.
  6. She lived (live) in Sikkim when she was a child.
  7. A: What’s wrong?
    B: I have broken (break) a glass.
  8. A: When did you arrive (you/arrive)?
    B: At 10 pm last night.
  9. How long have you known (you/know) Sarmila for?
  10. This is the first time I have driven (drive) a car.
F. Use been or gone.
  1. I’ve never been to Japan.
  2. Kalpana has gone to Korea. She may come back next year.
  3. A: Where’s Rachana?
    B: She has gone to the shops.
  4. Harina was here earlier but I think she has gone now.
  5. Have you ever been to London?

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