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Class 11 Chemistry Notes

Some Important Ores: Inorganic Chemistry | NEB Notes | Nepali Educate

Some Important Ores for Extraction of Metals and Non-Metals Ores are naturally occurring materials that contain a high enough concentration …

Aromatic Hydrocarbon Class 11 NEB Chemistry Notes | Nepali Educate

Aromatic Hydrocarbon Introduction The term aromatic is derived from the Greek word aroma which means fragrance or pleasant smell. Aromatic h…

Basic Concept of Organic Chemistry | Class 11 Chemistry Notes

Unit 1: Foundation and Fundamental of Chemistry | Class 11 Chemistry Notes

Unit 1: Foundation and Fundamental of Chemistry | Class 11 Chemistry Notes Fundamental And Foundation of Che…

Classification of Elements and Periodic Table | Class 11 Chemistry Notes

States of Matter | Class 11 Chemistry | NEB | NEPALI EDUCATE

States of Matter | Class 11 Chemistry | NEB | NEPALI EDUCATE …

Oxidation and Reduction | Class 11 Chemistry | NEB | NEPALI EDUCATE

Chemical Equilibrium Notes | Class 11 Chemistry Notes | NEB | NEPALI EDUCATE

Unit 3 : Atomic Structure | Class 11 Chemistry Complete Notes

Unit 10 : Chemistry of Metal | Class 11 Complete Chemistry Notes

Unit-10 Chemistry of Metals

Unit 2: Laws of Stoichiometry | Class 11 Chemistry Notes

Unit 11: Bio-inorganic chemistry | Class 11 Chemistry Notes

Unit 17: Principle of Modern Chemical Manufacture | Class 11 Chemistry Notes

Unit 17: Principle of Modern Chemical Manufacture Science is the systematic study and verified knowledge gained through observation experimentat…

Unit 5: Chemical Bonding and Shape of Molecules | Class 11 Chemistry Notes

Chemical Bonding and Shapes of Molecules Valence Shell and Valence Electron: The outermost shell of an atom is called valence shell and the elect…
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