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Class 12 Physics Notes

Mechanical Wave Note | Class 12 Physics | NEB | NEPALI EDUCATE

Mechanical Wave Syllabus: Content to read Speed of wave motion; Velocity of sound in solid and liquid Velocity of sound in gas Lapl…

NEB Class 12 Acoustic Phenomena Notes | Nepali Educate

Acoustic Phenomena Syllabus: Content to read Sound waves: Pressure amplitude Characteristics of sound: Intensity; loudness, quality an…

NEB Class 12 Quantization of Energy | Nepali Educate

Quantization of energy Syllabus: Content to read Bohr’s theory of hydrogen atom Spectral series; Excitation and ionization potentials …

NEB Class 12 Electric Circuit Notes | Nepali Educate

Electric Circuit Syllabus: Content to read Kirchhoff’s law Wheatstone bridge circuit; Meter bridge Potentiometer: Comparison …

NEB Class 12 Electromagnetic Induction Notes | Nepali Educate

Electromagnetic Induction Syllabus: Content to read Faraday’s laws; Induced electric fields Lenz’s law, Motional electromotive force …

NEB Class 12 Magnetic Properties of Materials Notes | Nepali Educate

Magnetic Properties of Materials Syllabus: Content to read Magnetic field lines and magnetic flux Flux density in magnetic materi…

NEB Class 12 Second Law of Thermodynamics Notes | Nepali Educate

Second Law of Thermodynamics Syllabus: Content to read Thermodynamic systems and direction of thermodynamic processes Second law of th…

NEB Class 12 Periodic Motion Notes | Nepali Educate

Periodic motion Syllabus: Content to read Equation of simple harmonic motion (SHM) Energy in SHM Application of SHM: vertical oscillation of …

NEB Class 12 Photons Notes | Nepali Educate

Photons Syllabus: Content to read Quantum nature of radiation Einstein’s photoelectric equation; Stopping potential Measurement of P…

NEB Class 12 Electron Notes | Nepali Educate

Electron Syllabus: Content to read Milikan’s oil drop experiment Motion of electron beam in electric and magnetic fields Thomson’s exper…

Radioactivity and Nuclear Reaction Note | Class 12 Physics | NEB | NEPALI EDUCATE

Radioactivity and Nuclear Reaction Note …

Wave Motion Note | Class 12 Physics | NEB | NEPALI EDUCATE

Polarization of Light Note | Class 12 Physics | NEB | NEPALI EDUCATE

Diffraction Note | Class 12 Physics | NEB | NEPALI EDUCATE

Interference of Light Note | Class 12 Physics | NEB | NEPALI EDUCATE

Thermoelectric Effect Note | Class 12 Physics | NEB | NEPALI EDUCATE

Alternating Current Note | Class 12 Physics | NEB | NEPALI EDUCATE

Semiconductor Note | Class 12 Physics | NEB | NEPALI EDUCATE

Fluids Statics and Viscosity Notes | Class 12 | NEB | NEPALI EDUCATE

Fluids Statics and Viscosity Syllabus: Content to read Fluid statics: Pressure in a fluid; Buoyancy Surface tension: Theory of surface ten…

First Law of Thermodynamics Notes | Class 12 | NEB | Nepali Educate

First Law of Thermodynamics Syllabus: Content to read Thermodynamic systems Work done during volume change Heat and work; Internal ener…
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