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Class 12 QAD

Differentiate $y = \frac{{x\sqrt {{a^2} - {x^2}} }}{2} + \frac{{{a^2}}}{2}{\sin ^{ - 1}}\frac{x}{a}$ with respect to x, Integrate the result so obtained. Compare the two results and draw conclusion from your results.

Write a C program to write and read symbol number, name and percentage of any 10 students to/from data file "students.txt".

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> struct student { int symbol_number; char name[50]; float percentage; }; int main() {…

Difference between for loop and while loop in C. | NEB Board Exam Class 12

Major Difference for loop while loop for (initialization; condition; increment/decrement) { statement(s); } …

In the given graph aside, What does the slope of the curve gives? Find the value of A. Find the Value of B.

In the given graph aside, What does the slope of the curve give? Find the value of A. Find the Value of B.

Write a C program to input roll, name and age of n no of students and display them properly using structure.

Question collected from Telegram Group #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define MAX_STUDENTS 100 struct student { int roll; …

Prove by induction: $2^1+2^2+2^3+........+2^n=2(2^n−1)$

Question Collected from Telegram Group.

A radioactive source has decayed to one tenth of one percent of its initial activity in one hundred days. What is its half-life period?

In a Young's slits experiment the separation of first to fifth fringes is 2.5 mm when the wave length used is 620 nm. The distance from the slits to the screen is 80 cm. Calculate the separation of two slits.

Question: Solution: The wavelength of light (λ)\(=6.2\times10^{-7}=6.2\times10^{-7}m\), Distance between the slits and screen (D) =…

Write down isomers of $C_3H_6O$ with their IUPAC names. How Would you distinguish them. Write the chemical reaction for it. Which isomer gives lactic acid? Write the chemical reaction for it.

Solution: There are two isomers of $C_3H_6O$. They are: Propanal and Propanone To distinguish these isomers, we can take Tollen's Test into accou…

(a) Distinguish between equivalence point and End point. (b) You are given 500cm3 of a solution of 0.15N H2SO4 solution. Determine: (i) How much water must be added to the solution to make its semi-normal? (ii) Calculate the molarity of H2SO4?

Prove by method of induction, 1.3+3.5+5.7+...........+(2n−1)(2n+1)=$\frac{{n(4{n^2} + 6n - 1)}}{3}$

A student is trying to make an accurate measurement of the wavelength of green light from a mercury lamp alpha = 546 nm). Using a double slit of separation of 0.50 mm, he finds he can see ten clear fringes on a screen at a distance of 0.80 m from the slits. He then tries an alternative experiment using a diffraction grating that has 3000 lines/cm.

A student is trying to make an accurate measurement of the wavelength of green light from a mercury lamp alpha = 546 nm). Using a double slit of sepa…

(a) State Bernoulli’s Principle. (b) Figure below shows a liquid of density 1200kgm-3 flowing steadily in a tube of varying cross-sections. The cross- section at point A is 1.0 cm² and that at B is 20 mm², points A and B are in the same horizontal plane. The speed of the liquid at A is 10 cm/s. Calculate (i) the speed at B. (ii) the difference in pressure at A and B.

Question: (a) State Bernoulli’s Principle. (b) Figure below shows a liquid of density 1200kgm -3 flowing steadily in a tube of varying cross-sec…

The Concept of anti-derivative is necessary for solving differential equations. Justify the statement with examples.

Question collected form Telegram Group .

a) Explain what is meant by quantization of charge. (b) In a Millikan's oil drop experiment, an oil drop of weight 1.5 × 10^-14 N is held stationary between plates 10mm apart by applying a p.d. of 470V between the plates. (i) State the condition necessary for the drop to remain stationary. Also, sketch the forces acting on the oil drop. (ii) Calculate the charge on the oil-drop. (iii) Explain what would happen if the above oil drop is suddenly struck by a stray alpha particle.

Question: a) Explain what is meant by quantization of charge. (b) In a Millikan's oil drop experiment, an oil drop of weight 1.5 × 10 -14 N …

Can Solution of 1M ZnSO4 be stored in a vessel made up of Nickel? Given: $E_{N{i^{ + 2}}/Ni}^0 = - 0.25V$ $E_{Z{n^{ + 2}}/Zn}^0 = - 0.76$

Question Collected from Telegram .

Discuss the meaning of standard oxidation potential of Cu/Cu+2 is -0.34.

Discuss the meaning of standard oxidation potential of Cu/Cu +2 is -0.34. Solution: The standard oxidation potential of Cu/Cu +2 (-0.34) represe…

The vibrations of a mass of 150 g are simple harmonic. Figure shows the variation with displacement x of the kinetic energy Ek of the mass.

The vibrations of a mass of 150 g are simple harmonic. Figure shows the variation with displacement x of the kinetic energy E k  of the ma…

How much AgBr could dissolve in 1.0 L of 0.4 M NH3? Assume that [Ag(NH3)2]+ is the only complex formed given, Kf [Ag(NH3)2 +]= 1 × 108 , Ksp(AgBr)= 5.0 × 10-13

Question Collected from Telegram Group .

Integrate $\frac{1}{{\left( {{\rm{x}} + 2} \right){{\left( {{\rm{x}} + 3} \right)}^2}}}$

Question Collected From our  Telegram Group .
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